
Assistant to the Villain

Evangelina Sage will do anything for her family, including working for the most-feared, most-hated villain in the kingdom.

Author: Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Publication Date: August 29, 2023

Tags: Fantasy


I found all the characters quite endearing.  Here are a few notes I scribbled down on some of them:

  • Evie — A bold girl who loves her family dearly, and is always willing to keep an open mind.
  • The Villain — A morally grey character who isn't all that bad.  We have yet to find out his full origin story.
  • Clare — We all love siblings, don't we?  She deserves a happy ending and I'm so rooting for her.
  • Tatianna — The one we do not deserve.
  • Malcolm — Again, siblings.  Need I say more?
  • Lyssa — Sweet little girl 🥹

Sable's Notes 🖤

  • For some reason, Evie Sage reminds me of Evangeline in Once Upon a Broken Heart.
  • The twist at the end was very surprising; I feel it could've been written better.  My favorite twists are ones that you don't see coming but also see coming and make sense in retrospect.  (Not that this one doesn't make sense, but the fact that it was so out of pocket was unsatisfying.)  I suppose I am a hard reader to please; I like having clues but also being surprised.  This twist was all surprise, thrown like a curve ball from left field.  Or perhaps I just glossed over the clues and missed all of them.  🫠😭
  • What a cliffhanger!  I'll be looking forward to the next book.