Disclaimer: Thanks to Victory Editing for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Plot Taste
Veyka Pendragon is definitely something else. After a tragic incident leaves her heir to the fae crown, she struggles to fill the shoes she thought she'd never wear.
Enter Arran Earthborn, her betrothed, and the two clash immediately. She hates him, he doesn't understand her, and the two grapple like oil and water. (But the slow-burn romance is worth it, trust me.)
Veyka has choices to make, secrets to keep, people to avenge, and a kingdom to rule. But her stubbornness may get in the way of everything (and nothing) she holds dear.
I absolutely loved the characters in this book! (bar the horrible ones xD)
- Veyka, our struggling FMC who must decide to overcome her own self
- Arran, our grouchy, overprotective, somewhat-violent MMC
- Parys, the FWB with a keen mind and sharp sense of humor
- Cyara, the strong and beautiful and faithful maid
- Lyrena, the lovely and fierce guard
- Gwen, the queen everyone needed and no one deserved
Sable's Notes
There were a couple of scenes that confused me (cue the opening and white hart), but overall I absolutely enjoyed this book.
- I loved how Veyka made up for something she lacked by working a hundred times harder in the things she could control.
- I love stories with strong themes of friendship, and while that isn't the main plotline in this book, the relationships between characters is evident. Arran and Gwen, Veyka and Parys, Veyka and Cyara, and more.
Spoilers . . .
Spoiler alert incoming
- I'd bet that Veyka IS NOT powerless!!!! fucking cliffhanger
- Our girl has EXCALIBUR!
- Gawayn's betrayal was 🤯
- I love Parys OMG lol, fwb relationships are some of my favorites to read
- Gwen is just so majestic
- Veyka and Arran are both annoying but they can annoy each other xD