Disclaimer: Thanks to Penguin Group for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
The power of friends coming together really shines through in this book. If I had to choose a theme, I think I'd ultimately go with "I have your back, always" — at least among the teens (let's not even get started with the adults). Time and again, the characters pull through for each other, but especially for Ross, who is just starting to learn what friendship really means.
In the beginning of Heist Royale, Rosalyn "Ross" Quest has just endured a dissatisfying six months working with Devroe. She's angry at her mom, not-her-guy is sending confusing signals, and Count is being demanding as always.
When an opportunity comes her way to shift things in her favor, Ross jumps at it, unintentionally throwing herself into the center of an organization-wide feud. Lines are drawn and schemes are hatched, and the race to win an even deadlier Gambit is on.
With the stakes higher than ever, there can't be any room for mistakes or second-guessing. Even with the help of her newfound friends and a parent or two, Ross and the gang must work to survive — and perhaps even thrive — in another game for their lives.
I loved following all the characters on their adventures! Heist Royale's escapades take place in a variety of locations, from the frozen glaciers of Antarctica to a high-end casino in Monte Carlo (where you'll meet an interesting character or two . . . 😉😉).
Characters, old and new
The gang is back! Our favorite characters are all together again — Ross, Devroe, Mylo, Kyung-soon, Noelia, and Taiyo. Rounding out the cast are the infamous Rhiannon Quest, a dude called Baron who also happens to be a horrible cook, and Devroe's mother Diane. Oh, and let's not forget Count.
- Rosalyn (aka Ross) — loved seeing her learn to navigate friendships in this book
- Devroe — man's got a lot to make up for . . .
- Mylo — love this guy! always chill, down for any kind of shenanigans, does his best to glue people back together
- Kyung-soon — a sweetheart and a real friend, and probably one of the most emotionally mature ones
- Noelia — shows up when needed and slays
- Taiyo — the big brains
- Count — still snappy and snippety as ever
- Rhiannon (Ross' mom) — we get to see a little more of her softer side in this book; though she still sucks, we get to understand her better
- Diane (Devroe's mom) — a tired and broken woman
- Baron — arrogant and idiotic man (he's smart, but idiotic), plus a horrible chef
Spoiler notes (and fangirling)
Sable's Thoughts: Spoiler Version
The whole Ross-and-Kyung-soon-fighting thing in the beginning of the book confused me, but made sense in the end.
On Devroe
As I was looking though Goodreads' reviews, quite a few readers mentioned dissatisfaction with Ross and Devroe's romance, or wanting Devroe to grovel more. I'll admit that I also wished for more chemistry between the two, but here are my two cents:
- No one's perfect. Also, these guys are freaking teenagers.
- IMHO, Devroe's wish more than proved his loyalty to Ross. With the messy and complicated family dynamics between them, he put his life on the line twice — remember that we learn how Rhiannon's original threat to Diane was aimed at Devroe? (The other instance was his wish.) This isn't to say his betrayal was justified, or that Ross should've forgiven him sooner, but that I think Lewis balanced it all out nicely in the end.
Mr. Kiah Hart
Kiah Hart . . . need I say more? I can totally imagine him as someone's smart, snarky, annoying younger brother.
I'd love to seen a spinoff on this guy. Honestly, while I'm 100% Mylo and Taiyo all the way, I could also see a potential Kiah + Taiyo pairing working out.
- Mylo and Taiyo were a surprise, but I was so here for it! The kiss scene was mwah! perfection
- Devroe's wish — damn that was something else
- LOVED the scene of Kyung-soon helping Ross out at the casino 🥹
- Ross adopting Noelia 🥹 . . . another of my favorite scenes